2013年6月7日 星期五

讚美詩 HYMN362: Break Thou the Bread of Life

  這一次我們就先把上周所唱的Break Thou the Bread of Life學起~

Break thou(your) the bread of life, dear Lord, to me, 
as thou(you) didst(did) break the loaves beside the sea; 
beyond the sacred page I seek thee(you), Lord; 
my spirit pants for thee(you), O Living Word! 

the sacred page

the sacred page= the Bible= the Holy Bible

beyond the sacred page I seek thee(you),Lord是一句倒裝句

如果寫成i seek thee,Lord, beyond the sacred page或許就好懂許多

pants for

pant (動詞)有熱切、渴望的意思,第三人稱加了s,所以不是名詞pants褲子的意思,千萬不能搞混,pant for=crave for=desire for 都有渴望的意思。


Bless thou(your) the truth, dear Lord, to me, to me, 
as thou(you) didst(did) bless the bread by Galilee; 
then shall all bondage cease, all fetters fall
and I shall find my peace, my all in all.

bless the bread

字面上是祝福餅,其實bless可以解釋為祝謝=give thanks
”飯前禱告/謝飯“英文叫做say the grace(字面上就是訴說恩惠的意思)

bondage cease=cease(停止,終止,結束) bondage(束縛)-----也就是”釋放“

fetters fall: 

fetters 腳鏈,束縛,fall落下,腳鏈落下-----意指:不再有束縛,除掉捆鎖。

my all in all=我的所有 ex:Jesus, you are my all in all. 耶穌, 祢是我的所有一切。


Thou(you) art(are) the bread of life, O Lord, to me;
Thy(your) holy Word the truth That saveth(saves) me;
Give me to eat and live With Thee above;
Teach me to love Thy(your) truth, For Thou(you) art(are) love.

the bread of life: bread有麵包也有食物的意思,雖然大家都只記得bread是麵包,在聖經裡都是指”食物“,所以bread of life就是生命的糧食,也就是基督徒說的“靈糧”


O send Thy(your) Spirit, Lord, Now unto me
That He( Spirit聖靈) may touch my eyes, And make me see
Show me the truth concealed Within Thy Word
And in Thy(your) book revealed I see the Lord


conceal簡單來說就是                                                      reveal是conceal的相反詞
hide, cover                                                                       是open, show的意思

