2013年6月26日 星期三



1.       Basket (8:8): A large basket (spuris), different from the ones in Mk 6:43. It is more like a hamper, big enough to hold a man (cf. Acts 9:25).

2.       Dalmanutha (8:10): Also called Magdala or Magadan, it was the home of Mary Magdalene. It was likely south of Gennesaret.

3.       Leaven/yeast (8:15): Leaven played an important part, not only in bread making but also in law, ritual, and religious teaching. Leaven was produced from bread flour kneaded without salt and kept until it fermented. Yeast doesn’t grow, it permeates the dough. Only a small quantity is needed to make dough grow

4.      Caesarea Philippi (8:27): A town in the tetrarchy of Herod Philip, Antipas’ brother. It was 30 miles from Tyre and 25 miles north of Galilee. The region was especially pagan. It was a Canaanite sanctuary for the worship of Baal. The Greeks called it Paneas in honor of the god Pan.

5.    Christ (8:29): From the Greek word meaning, “the Anointed One.” In Hebrew, it is “Messiah.” The title had a political connotation because it denoted an ideal king empowered by God to deliver his people and to establish his kingdom.

6.     “Son of Man” (8:31): Jesus’ favorite self-designation in the gospel books. We can derive two meanings from the Old Testament. First, the prophet Daniel saw a vision of “One like a Son of Man” who was given an everlasting kingdom (Dan 7:13-14). This identifies Jesus as a king—a theme explored more fully in Matthew. Second, the prophet Ezekiel used the phrase “the son of man” at least 90 times, referring to himself and his mission. Therefore, the phrase also identifies Jesus as a servant of God.

7.      Cross (8:34): An instrument of death. It was detested by both the Jews (cf. Deut 21:22-23) and the Romans as a shameful way to die. Crucifixion was reserved for the worst criminals and the lowest class; a Roman citizen could not be crucified except by direct order of Caesar.

8.      Rabbi (9:5): A respectful term used by the Jews to address their spiritual instructor.

 Segment Analysis
A.     8:1-9
7. Why did Jesus wait three days before feeding the crowd? What does this teach us about waiting for God?
8. What does the disciples’ question in 8:4 tell you about their faith?
9. Compare the feeding of four thousand to the feeding of five thousand (Mk 6:35-44). In which scenario was the crowd hungrier? Which had more leftovers? What does this teach us?
B.     8:10-2110. The following is a partial list of “signs from heaven” (8:11) found in the Old Testament. For each, list a similar sign given to prove Jesus’ divine nature. (cf. Mt 3:11; 28:2; Mk 1:11; 9:7; Lk 1:28; 2:10; Jn 6:33-35, 51; 12:28; 20:12).
10a. Angel (Gen 22:11; 2Kgs 6:17)
10b. Bread (Ex 16:4)
10c. Fire (Ex 19:18; 1Kgs 18:38, 2Chr 7:1)
10d. Voice (Ex 19:19; Dan 4:31)
11. Why was it a test to ask Jesus for a sign?
12. What does “this generation” (8:12) refer to?
13. What did Jesus mean by, “No sign shall be given to this generation” (8:12)?
14. What were the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod (8:15)? (cf. Mt 16:12; Lk 12:1; 1Cor 5:6,8)
15. Why did Jesus specifically remind the disciples of the leftovers? What did the two miracles of the loaves have to do with leaven?
16. What does the disciples’ discussion (8:16) teach us about interpreting the Bible?
C.     8:27-301. Why did Jesus ask the disciples about the people’s opinion of Him?
2. What does the people’s opinion tell you about their understanding of Jesus?
3. How did Peter know Jesus is the Christ? Does this mean the disciples finally understood who Jesus is?
4. Why did Jesus want to keep His identity as the Christ a secret (8:30; 9:9)?
5. Who do you say Jesus is?
D.     8:31-9:16. Why did Peter rebuke Jesus? What does this teach us about jumping to conclusions?
7. Why did Jesus call Peter “Satan”?
8a. Peter took Jesus aside privately to rebuke Him. Why did Jesus rebuke him publicly before the other disciples?
8b. Share one of your past mistakes that can be used to teach other believers.
9a. What is your cross? How do you take up your cross?
9b. What does it mean to save or lose one’s life in this world?
10. What tempts you to exchange your soul?
11. Give examples of being ashamed of Jesus.
12. Explain 9:1. (For teachings on the kingdom of God, see Lesson 7).

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2013年6月24日 星期一


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)


2013年6月17日 星期一


I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. (John 10:11 NIV)

我是好牧人;好牧人為羊捨命。 (約翰福音 10:11)


詩篇23篇 耶和華是我的牧者/The Lord is my shepherd.

sheep 是羊,尤指綿羊

馬太福音25章裡有一個山羊與綿羊的比喻:The parable of Sheep(綿羊) and the Goats(山羊)

He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 


聖經裡flock大多指羊群,a flock of sheep一群羊

Luke 12:32
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.
John 10:16
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.

2013年6月14日 星期五

關於馬可福音第七章 Did You Know…?

  Did You Know…?
1.      “Wash their hands in a special way”/Ceremonial washing (7:3): Washing of one’s hands with a handful of water, a formal practice required before eating. This was especially important after a trip to the marketplace, where a Jew would likely come in contact with an “unclean” Gentile or such things as money or utensils.
2.      Tradition of the elders (7:3): Oral teachings that commented on the law and interpreted it in detailed rules of conduct, often recording the diverse opinions of competing rabbis. The Pharisees viewed it as having authority almost equal to the Old Testament writings.

3.      Corban (7:11): A vow dedicating money or property to the temple. Technically, after such a vow, what’s dedicated could be used only for religious purposes. In practice, the money didn’t necessarily go to the temple, nor was it prevented from personal use. A person could use this practice to legally exclude others from his earnings, thus circumventing his responsibilities.
4.    Greek (7:26): The woman was not from Greece, but a Gentile by culture and religion. Matthew calls the woman a Canaanite, referring to her nationality. Jesus almost certainly spoke Greek to her.
5.     Syro-Phoenician (7:26): An inhabitant of Phoenicia, which in New Testament times was part of the Roman province of Cilia and Syria.
6.  Dogs (7:27): Wild dogs in Syria resemble jackals—nocturnal scavengers. In biblical times, and in many cultures, calling someone a dog was a great insult.
7.  “Ephphatha!” (7:34): An Aramaic expression, which might imply that the man was not a Gentile.

2013年6月10日 星期一

詩歌 As the Deer

雖然這首詩歌沒有收在讚美詩裡,但相信很多人聽過也會唱,是一首非常受基督徒喜愛的詩歌。這首詩個言簡 意該,旋律也非常優美,每次唱的時候我總是想像自己就是一隻口乾的鹿,正在渴慕找尋水的源頭-就是主耶穌,這樣唱起來就會十分地投入和感動!
As the deer pants for streams of water,
    so my soul pants for you, my God.

As the deer panteth(v.) for the water
    So my soul longeth(v.) after Thee
You alone are my heart's desire(名)
    And I long to worship Thee

  • as有很多的用法,這裡的意思是:像...一樣,如同
  • pant/long/desire都是渴望的意思,動詞pant/long + for/after (別忘了介系詞)
  • worship是動詞也是名詞敬拜神的意思: place of worship做禮拜的地方


You alone are my strength, my shield 

you alone唯有你,雖然是alone聽起來好想是單數, 但後面要加are(不能影響you are這個文法!!)

To You alone may my spirit yield

to you alone唯有對祢
yield (v)降服 投降 退讓

You alone are my heart's desire 
And I long to worship Thee

這裡的desire是名詞 heart's desire心的渴望
long是動詞所以加上to v 渴望敬拜

(2)You're my friend and You are my brother
    Even though You are a king
And I love You more than any other
    So much more than anything

(3)I want You more than gold or silver
    Only You can satisfy
You alone are the real joy giver
    And the apple of my eye

2013年6月7日 星期五

讚美詩 HYMN362: Break Thou the Bread of Life

  這一次我們就先把上周所唱的Break Thou the Bread of Life學起~

Break thou(your) the bread of life, dear Lord, to me, 
as thou(you) didst(did) break the loaves beside the sea; 
beyond the sacred page I seek thee(you), Lord; 
my spirit pants for thee(you), O Living Word! 

the sacred page

the sacred page= the Bible= the Holy Bible

beyond the sacred page I seek thee(you),Lord是一句倒裝句

如果寫成i seek thee,Lord, beyond the sacred page或許就好懂許多

pants for

pant (動詞)有熱切、渴望的意思,第三人稱加了s,所以不是名詞pants褲子的意思,千萬不能搞混,pant for=crave for=desire for 都有渴望的意思。


Bless thou(your) the truth, dear Lord, to me, to me, 
as thou(you) didst(did) bless the bread by Galilee; 
then shall all bondage cease, all fetters fall
and I shall find my peace, my all in all.

bless the bread

字面上是祝福餅,其實bless可以解釋為祝謝=give thanks
”飯前禱告/謝飯“英文叫做say the grace(字面上就是訴說恩惠的意思)

bondage cease=cease(停止,終止,結束) bondage(束縛)-----也就是”釋放“

fetters fall: 

fetters 腳鏈,束縛,fall落下,腳鏈落下-----意指:不再有束縛,除掉捆鎖。

my all in all=我的所有 ex:Jesus, you are my all in all. 耶穌, 祢是我的所有一切。


Thou(you) art(are) the bread of life, O Lord, to me;
Thy(your) holy Word the truth That saveth(saves) me;
Give me to eat and live With Thee above;
Teach me to love Thy(your) truth, For Thou(you) art(are) love.

the bread of life: bread有麵包也有食物的意思,雖然大家都只記得bread是麵包,在聖經裡都是指”食物“,所以bread of life就是生命的糧食,也就是基督徒說的“靈糧”


O send Thy(your) Spirit, Lord, Now unto me
That He( Spirit聖靈) may touch my eyes, And make me see
Show me the truth concealed Within Thy Word
And in Thy(your) book revealed I see the Lord


conceal簡單來說就是                                                      reveal是conceal的相反詞
hide, cover                                                                       是open, show的意思

2013年6月3日 星期一


YouVersion 是一款簡單易用,且無廣告的聖經軟體,能將神的話語帶入您的日常生活。


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2013年6月2日 星期日



(一) KJV(英王欽訂本聖經)
1. 英王JamesⅠ任命47位學者翻譯的,1611年出版,是英語世界的權威著作。出版後持續修改不斷,其中以1769年的布雷內版最重要。此外19世紀末又出版《修訂譯本》(RV),1901年為適應美式語言,出版《美國標準譯本》(ASV),最後於1982年出版《新英王欽訂本》(NKJV)。
2. 以直譯為主,此版本用字簡潔、高雅、有力,是許多英美人,特別是傳統的保守派教會愛用的權威聖經,並且此版本在英美文學界也享有很高的地位,更成為學習英美古典文學必讀的書籍。


1. RSV在1946年出版《新約》,1977年出版《擴充版》(除基督教所使用的新舊約外,更包含天主教使用的次經與東正教使用的馬加比三、四書和詩篇151篇)。1989更出版NRSV,這版本無論在經文鑑別和解經的水準都非常高。在語言上也擺脫了自KJV傳統以來的過時詞彙,如稱神的Thee, Thy, Thou,同時然仍保持傳統優雅的語感。而這個版本也是目前為止唯一能夠成功使用中性語言(inclusive language)的翻譯,卻不破壞經文原意的譯文,除了在公眾崇拜及個人靈修外,也非常適合於嚴肅的聖經研究。
2. 受到保守派反對,怕被「自由主義」污染,因此保守派教會對此版本極端不信任。
(三) NIV(新國際本聖經)
1. 如前述,因保守派對RSV的不信任,在Lockman基金會的贊助下,先後在1965年出版《擴充版聖經》(Amplified Bible)與1971 年出版《新美國標準聖經》(NASV),但在保守教會的地位仍無法超越KJV和RV。到1978年《新國際譯本》(NIV)出版,情況才有所改觀。

2. NIV推出時,非常強調所有的翻譯同工都是「信仰純正」的保守基督徒。而此譯本也受到保守派教會極大的歡迎,並逐漸取代KJV的地位。
3. 此譯本也是以直譯為主,但用詞遣句簡單明瞭,適合一般人閱讀,在經文的研究和翻譯上也非常好,也是值得參考和推薦的版本。

(四) NEB(新英文聖經):
1. 1970年出版,完全脫離KJV的傳統,以極自然而新鮮的語法,通俗但又不流於鄙俗,無論是閱讀或朗誦都非常合適。

(五) TEV(現代英文譯本)或GNB(好消息聖經)
1. 1976年出版,以「通俗文體」(common language)翻譯,用字非常簡單、通俗。並採用「動態對等」(功能對等)原則,在保存原文語意的情況下,靈活運用英文表達法。
2. 目前台灣有《現代中文譯本》與《TEV》合併的聖經。非常值得推薦,無論是查經或學習英語都非常適合。

(六) 其他:
1. 《新世界譯本聖經》,耶和華見證人教會使用,直譯,但因太過忠實原文,而難以閱讀,並且為了配合其教派的教義,企圖以註解來辯護,損傷了她的價值。
2. 《耶路撒冷聖經》,天主教學術傳統,非常優秀的譯本。
3. 《新美國聖經》,天主教學者翻譯。

1. 《聖經季刊》,聖經公會網站http://www.biblesociety-tw.org/bmag/bmagindex.htm
2. 《認識聖經》,聖經手冊(一),Edward. P. Blair著,陳南州、吳文雄譯,台南:人光,1980。
3. 《聖經是什麼書》,方向季刊第五卷第一期,No. 25,台北:永望,1992。